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The following is a list of all authors, bands, cartoonists, colorists, film makers, film producers, illustrators, inkers, musicians, music producer, typesetters and comic publishers currently signed up on Phicno.
Redeem Revive Band

Hailing from Southern California, Redeem/Revive formed late 2012 when members disbanded their previous projects to unite as one, bringing all of their unique skill sets to the table. The band debuted their first single "Empathy" off their self titled EP exclusively on BryanStars' channel, which quickly gave the band a lot of attention from viewers & fans from all over the world. The band released their self titled EP in its entirety mid October2013, along with a music video for "The Overture."
The Fling

The Fling is known for alternating lead singer duties. Our sound has been described as "classic '60s pop, '90s alternative, and contemporary indie-rock clashing fluidly to create a strangely nostalgic effect.